Quondam Dreams

Monday, May 07, 2007

A Superfluous Note Re: Television Production

If you're on a production crew, a one-camera location shoot means a long, busy day.

If you're in the cast, it's a long day, period.

I don't mean to kvetch. I'm thrilled that we're shooting this pilot, and we have a phenomenal crew. I learned a ton about framing shots, lighting, sound -- all the crucial stuff we actors tend to take for granted -- just from watching.

I'm also inexplicably tired from two days of sitting around on my ass.

Glamour, schmamour.

But, hell -- there are worse things from which to be tired, and the final project is going to be amazing. If you're going to be in the L.A. area on June 10 and want to find out how to be part of the action, email me or go to bushtwinspartyhour.com and sign up for the update list.

It'll be very.


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